Sudan: MSF supports wounded with medical teams and wounded trapped as intense fighting continues

Since Sat., April 15, intense fighting has been taking place between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Khartoum and other parts of Sudan. Many people, including healthcare workers, are currently trapped. Where we are able to provide medical care, the situation is dire. Update April 21: Since publication, we […]

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Türkiye: Mental health support for people affected by the earthquakes

  In Türkiye, the consequences of this February’s devastating earthquakes are all too visible in destroyed buildings, makeshift camps and rebuilding efforts widespread in affected areas. With the coming of spring, heavy rain has caused flooding, creating further issues. For the survivors, the earthquakes have also led to less visible, but still significant, consequences. Doctors […]

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DRC: MSF calls for increased response to major crisis in North Kivu

  A humanitarian disaster is underway in North Kivu, in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where around one million people have fled their homes in the past 12 months to escape fighting linked to the resurgence of the M23 armed group. This major crisis is exacerbating an already critical humanitarian situation in […]

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Pharmaceutical corporation ViiV must improve its failing access strategy for HIV prevention drug

  Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on the pharmaceutical corporation ViiV to immediately provide transparency on the current available volume and planned geographic distribution of the HIV prevention medicine long-acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA) in order to urgently expedite the drug’s access for people in high-HIV-burden low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where it could have the biggest […]

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Between enemy lines: the destruction of healthcare infrastructure in Ukraine

To date, Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams have only been allowed entry into regions controlled by Ukrainian forces, which means they have witnessed the destruction caused by the war in Ukrainian-held territory only. Despite MSF’s efforts to obtain permission to access regions under Russian occupation, this access has not been granted; MSF […]

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Testimonies of survivors fleeing across the central Mediterranean

  “The minute I was alone, they would have raped me.” Adanya, 34 years old, from Cameroon. “In Libya, I was sleeping under trucks and buses as I did not have any money.” Afia, 24 years old, from Ghana. “I know if I tell my mother I am in Libya, she will be crying every […]

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Onnie, the Labrador that helps care for survivors of extreme violence and torture

  Alicia de la Rosa is a psychologist specializing in animal-assisted psychotherapy. De la Rosa works alongside Onnie, a 4-year-old Labrador Retriever, to provide mental health support to victims of torture and extreme violence at the Comprehensive Care Center in Mexico City. The center has been managed by the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without […]

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World TB Day 2023 Blog: Our World TB Day 2022 Blog, But We’ve Added “Still”

The feeling of déjà vu is so strong when crafting a post for World Tuberculosis (TB) Day in 2023 that we are reposting the World TB Day 2022 post in its entirety below. One bright spot over the past year is that our knowledge of how to treat TB using tools that already exist has […]

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MSF response to new Canadian government counterterror laws

  Today, the Canadian government introduced amendments to the Criminal Code provisions that have been standing in the way of Canadian humanitarian organizations providing crucial humanitarian assistance to people affected by emergencies. Despite finally acknowledging that Canadian laws can inadvertently criminalize impartial humanitarian workers, these amendments unfortunately create new bureaucratic hurdles for organizations to overcome. […]

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