You can make a valuable contribution to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) beyond donating money. Become part of the MSF movement by sharing some of your time to help MSF ensure we can reach and assist people most affected by conflict, disease, neglect and disaster.
Your involvement can be as simple as signing and encouraging others to sign a petition, participating in an event or volunteering to help in our offices. Students in universities with nursing, medicine or other healthcare programs can support us by getting involved with their school’s Friends of MSF group.

We organize and participate in community events all year-round across Canada, where supporters like you can meet and interact with MSF staff. Find out where we are going to be next.

Volunteer in Canada
Meet new people and contribute to MSF’s work by volunteering to assist our office staff in Toronto or Montreal. Remote opportunities may also be available. MSF values a diverse workforce, and we welcome applications from all those interested in volunteering their time, regardless of education or professional background.

Join Friends of MSF
Friends of MSF are student groups from Canadian post-secondary schools that undertake a range of activities to support MSF’s work. They are official groups that function independently of MSF to raise awareness about humanitarian issues, fundraise and encourage peers to consider using their professional skills to work for MSF in the future.

Request a speaker
Enhance your event! Invite someone from MSF to talk about topics related to public and international health, humanitarian affairs and advocacy.