Violent clashes between gang members took place on February 23 around a Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) burn care hospital in the neighborhood of Drouillard, Port-au -Prince, forcing the staff to transfer the 21 hospital patients to another MSF hospital, located in the city’s Tabarre neighborhood, once calm returned. Gunfire in the immediate vicinity […]
Category: News & Stories
Severe malnutrition on the rise among children in Abs, northern Yemen
Muriel Boursier, MSF’s Head of Mission in Yemen shares from Abs Hospital.
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MSF responds to news of first deliveries of COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility
This first delivery from the COVAX Facility comes over two months after the first people started receiving COVID-19 vaccines in wealthy countries. As World Health Organization head Dr Tedros Adhanom recently pointed out, only 10 countries have currently administered 75% of all vaccinations worldwide, while 130 countries hadn’t yet received a single dose. The COVAX […]
If approved, first shipments of J&J COVID-19 vaccine should go to low- and middle-income countries
Hear from Dana Gill, US Policy Advisor, MSF Access Campaign
MSF Q&A: Canada and the COVAX Facility
What is COVAX? Why is it necessary? Read MSF Canada’s full Q&A.
Syria: MSF denounces unsafe environment in wake in staff killing in Al-Hol camp
In the wake of the killing of one of its staff members and the injury of three others in Al-Hol camp for displaced people in northeast Syria, international medical organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) expresses its shock and sadness at the incidents and its profound concerns about the insecurity facing camp residents, two-thirds of whom […]
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For refugees in Hamdayet, Sudan, “everyone is hungry, and everyone is tired”
Three months have passed since Maryam and her family fled the conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia and crossed the border into Hamdayet, Sudan. Three months have passed since she and her family had their last decent meal. While the refugees in Hamdayet have many unmet needs, food concerns are overshadowing every other in this reception centre, Doctors […]
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MSF: Immediate equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines is critical for Southern Africa and the world to prevent more suffering and death
Urgent action is required of leaders of wealthy nations, pharmaceutical corporations and COVAX before it is too late
Brazilian Amazon: COVID-19 disaster unfolding
Cases surging, health system collapsing, and a daily struggle for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams to keep up.
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MSF condemns attack on medical staff in El Salvador
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) condemns the attack on one of its ambulance teams in Reparto Las Cañas, Ilopango, El Salvador on January 31 by an armed group. As a medical humanitarian organization, MSF operates under the principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence. MSF calls on armed groups to respect medical services. The two ambulance […]
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