Northwest Syria: The struggle of the population continues

The military offensive carried out by the Government of Syria and its allies in Northwest Syria, has led to the displacement of almost a million people in the space of just four months in the Idlib region. People have had to flee from their homes or from the camps they were already displaced in, to […]

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Colombia: Conflict causing mass displacement in Nariño

  A humanitarian emergency is unfolding in Nariño, Colombia, after escalating conflict over the past several months has caused mass displacement in the Pacific region. Around 14,000 people have been affected and left without adequate support. Between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams working in […]

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Idlib, Syria: MSF to scale up its response as tensions reach a new peak

With thousands of people displaced by the military offensive on northwestern Syria’s Idlib province, international medical organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is planning step up medical assistance and aid distributions in response to their escalating needs. MSF is also asking Turkish authorities to facilitate the transit of staff and essential supplies into northwest […]

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‘It makes you cry to see it’: An MSF doctor in Syria describes the scene as people flee attacks in Idlib region

A Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) doctor working in Deir Hassan camp, 30 kilometres west of Aleppo, describes the situation as hundreds of thousands of people flee an offensive by government forces on the last opposition-held area in Syria. “In the past week, the army has advanced rapidly through the countryside west of Aleppo. People weren’t […]

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Conflict in Syria: As government forces move into Idlib, ‘people are facing a desperate situation’

In northwest Syria, airstrikes combined with a ground offensive conducted by Syrian government forces and their Russian allies have triggered a huge wave of displacement in the last opposition-held area in the country. With towns and camps west of Aleppo hit by shelling in recent days, roads are packed with cars and trucks as people […]

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Libya: Nowhere to go but the sea

  Escalating conflict and insecurity in Libya are leading thousands of people to flee, taking their chances on unseaworthy boats across the Mediterranean. On December 20 2019, Ocean Viking rescued 112 people from a rubber boat 32 nautical miles off the Libyan coast, 21 of whom had survived a deadly airstrike on Tajoura detention centre […]

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Northwest Syria: Despair and displacement in winter

Intense military offensives by the Government of Syria and its allies in southern Idlib, involving shelling, aerial bombing and ground offensives, have resulted in a massive new movement of people to escape the war zone. The northern part of Idlib, near the Turkish border, already hosted around 1.5 million vulnerable people, and according to the […]

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