South Sudan:  The overlooked mental health crisis, navigating unforgettable loss and the struggle to heal

In South Sudan, mental health issues are overshadowed by poverty, violence, and displacement. Neglected by the health system and confronted by deep-rooted stigma, many people face their mental health struggles in silence, enduring a daily battle that goes unseen and unheard. When she was just 12 years old, Mary Nyanhial Kiel had to escape her […]

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Sudan: Supply blockade forces MSF to stop care for 5,000 malnourished children in North Darfur

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been forced to stop outpatient treatment for 5,000 children with acute malnutrition in Zamzam displacement camp in North Darfur, Sudan, because the warring parties have blocked deliveries of food, medicines and other essential supplies for months. “There is an urgent need for a massive supply of nutritional products […]

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MSF report: Pregnant women and children dying in shocking numbers in South Darfur

One of the worst maternal and child health emergencies in the world is unfolding in South Darfur, Sudan, according to a report released by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Pregnant, birthing, and postpartum women, as well as children, are dying from preventable conditions as their health needs far exceed what MSF can respond to. […]

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Q&A: A Canadian Emergency Coordinator shares the catastrophic impact of war in Sudan

Canadian Ada Yee is an MSF emergency coordinator who has worked in over 17 countries, including Ethiopia, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, and Yemen. She recently completed a four-month assignment in Sudan’s South Darfur region and shares some insight on the impact of the war in Sudan. 17 months after war broke out […]

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East Chad: MSF raises alarm on food reductions on refugees from Sudan

The lack of sustained and planned funding for the humanitarian response in the camps exposes refugees to greater suffering and health risks, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warns, calling on donors to urgently review their funding policies. As the civil war in Sudan continues to rage and drive people out of the country, humanitarian […]

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Sudan: Catastrophic situation in Zamzam camp, every effort must be made to finally deliver food, medicines and essential supplies to blockaded and starved communities

As the results of a nutrition screening carried out by the Sudanese health authorities and Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) earlier this month in Zamzam camp, North Darfur, indicate a catastrophic nutritional situation that is only getting worse, MSF urges the UN and international stakeholders involved in negotiating broader humanitarian access to consider all […]

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MSF responds to Cholera in Sudan: ‘He didn’t know he was going to live’

A cholera outbreak is gripping across several states of central and eastern Sudan bringing yet more risk, death and misery to people already bruised by the country’s brutal war. Cholera adds an additional challenge to the crisis amidst mass displacement, insecurity, and difficulties accessing medical care amid a humanitarian response that is far below what […]

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Sudan: MSF calls for quick response, unrestricted access as cholera poses latest peril in war

A cholera outbreak is gripping across central and eastern Sudan bringing yet more risk, death and misery to people already bruised by the country’s brutal war. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) emergency teams are supporting by treating patients and providing water and sanitation services. Ongoing war, floods and now cholera In August, Sudanese authorities […]

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Sudan: 500 Days of War and a Failing Humanitarian Response as Medical Needs Soar

Today marks 500 days since Sudan began enduring its worst humanitarian crisis yet. This is a shameful moment for international humanitarian organizations and donors, who for over 16 months have failed to provide an adequate response to the country’s escalating medical needs, from catastrophic child malnutrition to widespread disease outbreaks. Heavy restrictions from both warring […]

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